Tuesday 9 April 2013

10 Amazing Benefits of Drinking Water

Water is life. Truly, it is. Most of the people do not know how important water is for the body. We let you know10 amazing benefits of drinking water!


1. Water Keeps You Hydrated

Water keeps your body hydrated. Your bodily organs cease to function once you are dehydrated. Water provides you oxygen to keep up and going!

2. Makes You Look Younger

Consume good amount of water regularly and you would know the difference. Water makes your skin glow and helps you look younger considerably!

3. Aids Digestion

People who drink less than required amount of water often complain of constipation. Water helps regulate your bowel movements and aids in digestion. It also cures constipation.

4. Increases Immunity

Consuming good amount of water daily would keep your bodily systems streamlined and thus increase your body’s self-defense mechanism.

5. Improves Stamina

‘Water helps your bodily systems get stronger by providing them oxygen, which in turn increases your stamina considerably.

6. Improved Performance

Drink more water and notice the difference within a week. You’ll feel far healthier and happier on any given day!

7. Reduced Cramps and Sprains

Water keeps your body hydrated and muscles in a great condition. As it provides oxygen to the body parts, you tend to have less cramps and sprains.

8. Regulates Body Temperature

Water regulates your body temperature and helps you stay fit. Consuming good amount of water will help you stay healthier and fitter, for sure.

9. Reduces Risk of Cancers

Drinking good amounts of water can significant reduce risk of bladder and cervical cancer. It also reduces chances of kidney diseases.

10. Aids in Weight Loss

Water helps with detoxification and elimination of free radicals from the body. The more you drink, the better it would be. In this process, it helps in weight loss, too!
We are sure that you know various benefits of water now! Make sure you have enough of it per day!

Sunday 6 January 2013


Lips are also a major part of your face to describe your face beauty. In winter season we always face some common lips problems like dry or cracked lips. So in winter skin care series I am telling you a very important home treatment to maintain your lips beauty throughout winter season.

Follow the steps below
  • Boil 10 to 15 red or pink rose petals in water for 10 minutes and filter it in a glass bowl. Now allow it stand to cool.
  • Now take 2 tablespoon of this cooled water in a glass bowl.
  • Add 2 tablespoon of honey in it.
  • Mix the both ingredients well and your lips care lotion is ready.

Now at bed time before going to bed apply it on your lips with your finger tips and leave it for overnight. Do it regularly throughout winter season. It will maintain your lips beauty and will cure your dry lips, chapped lips or cracked lips problem.

If you have dry skin problem on your face then you can apply this lotion on your face also.